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Melbourne, Byron Bay or Skype sessions

Ph: 0404 093 865

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Why being fixed isn’t the answer: crisis and uncertainty as opportunities for something new

Resources for living ... recommended fiction books, mini-serieses and movies (regularly updated)

Resources for living ... recommended fiction books, mini-serieses and movies (regularly updated)

In navigating this very complex, rich - and often terrifying - journey of being human, I've found great help and relief, and even joy and awe, in stories that somehow give meaning to the struggle and pain and hope and delight of this crazy journey of life on earth. (Of course there are many other forms of creativity, in music, visual art, dance etc that contribute profound meaning and wisdom and delight, but for this entry let's focus on story!).Read more...

Managing feeling down

Many people think of transpersonal psychology as wholistic, which it is, yet fundamentally its basis is actually state change. By accessing states other than our ordinary waking state, we learn, and gain resources to help us live this life. This can be listening to music, taking a walk, or being affected by a moving stiry. Our mood and physiological state literally changes. Dreams are another example.Read more...

Therapeutic Resources

Here are recommended books, podcasts and other resources:

Compromise or truth?

Compromise or truth?

Compromise or truth?

Acceptance, patience and yoga

When people speak about 'holistic' counselling they usually mean something like 'mind, body, spirit'. Having just come out of a retreat on embodied integration of psychological work I'm particularly aware of how our physical bodies are a fundamental aspect of psychological healing.Read more...